GIS is Dead – Long Live GIS

What is the state of GIS, and where is it going? Wow, is it even possible to answer that? It seems to be the perpetual question asked at every GIS conference, and embedded into every keynote address given at them. In an attempt to describe the state of GIS, some (many?) are using the terms Paleo and Neo in an attempt to describe past and future tenses of all things geo/gis-related. I’m still not sure these are the correct words to use ( See my blog post titled “My Latest Lesson in GIS”), but they have become a part of the GIS…

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My latest lesson in GIS

My latest lesson in GIS came from Twitter More difficult than deciding what to write about in my first blog post, has been deciding what to write about in my second. I want to keep some sense of continuity in my writing, and briefly thought about describing my learning progress and work experience through the years. However, I also want to keep the topics here current. So, I’ve decided to skip ahead (way ahead) to where I am today. What have I learned most recently about the use of GIS in the planning field? I have been spending an extraordinary…

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My first lesson in GIS

My first lesson in GIS came from the back of an album cover I can imagine one question runs through any persons mind once the decision is made to start a blog: “What do I say in my first blog post?” My goal for this blog is to talk about the use of GIS in urban and regional planning. I do not want to make it a personal/family blog, but a more personal and timely version of my business’s website. So, where to start? Why not begin with my very first exposure to GIS and its application to planning. You…

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